New Zealand

New Zealand Permanent Residence Visa

New Zealand is small island country located in the south-western Pacific Ocean. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington while the most populous city is Auckland.

New Zealand is an ideal place to settle – it is a land of opportunity and one of the most sought after destinations by skilled migrants looking to immigrate. The country has a low corruption ratio and beautiful and as per the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations popularly known as ANZSCO the demand for Engineers is high and a candidate fitting the profile can easily immigrate to New Zealand.

Popularly known as the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) it allows people who have skills and experience that is in high demand to move into New Zealand. New Zealand also employs a point system based on certain factors, like age, employment experience, qualifications, and an offer of skilled job.

In order to be eligible to apply for immigration to New Zealand the applicant must not be more than 55 years old and should be proficient in English.

The first step in the process of applying for SMC for New Zealand the applicant has to go for a Pre-Assessment Result (PAR) which is a part of the Expression of Interest for the Skilled Migrant Visa. The PAR is an indicative assessment of to verify how one’s qualifications meet New Zealand requirements.
Once the PAR result is received the applicant has to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) – where in one can claim points for age, skilled employment, work experience, qualifications etc. The total points secured will help one determine whether to submit the EOI for the selection process. At this stage, no evidence or documentation is required.

Expression of interest is submitted by the applicant to claim points – only if the applicant is able to secure more than 100 points the application will enter the EOI pool. Applications with score of 140 or more get selected first. The EOI application is valid for 6 months and if the application is not selected within 6 months it will lapse.

The New Zealand immigration authority verifies the detail and if they find it credible they share an Invitation to Apply. On receipt of the invitation the applicant has to submit relevant documents to successfully complete the process.